Monday, September 29, 2014

September 2014 Insta-Recap

ready for Church!!! :-)

back home after the best day at registration. Feel incredibly privileged and ecstatically happy to be in Dave Ward's RG this year, heard so many great things, experienced so many great things, his interns are friggin awesome. Secretly praying i would end up in his group, since I pired out my heart to him as my summer pastor, didn't think I would end up in his group becasue they told us our summer pastrors would not be our rg pastors but I did & it feels like home already :-) This is gonna be a great year! #bssm2 #bssm

Everything about this is what I want to be every day. Living God's way, having affection for others, exuberance for life, serenity and a willingness to stick to my commitments without them feeling like drudgery or a always surprises me how the Bible hits it on the nail so well all the time #lovethatWord Gal 5:22-24 (MSG)

#Redding your beauty astounds me! Sunrise today means 2nd year #bssm worship team tryouts!!! Good luck to everybody trying out, it's going to be a spectacular year for you! Can't wait to see where you lead us.

Finally get a homework assignment on a book I've already read! Here's to head starts and second time arounds! :-) #billjohnson

representing the Motherland today at the International Student Orientation #bssm #AfricaPride

Made it to the 1130am Holy Spirit Movie Premiere phew! Busy day today! Thats Todd White and Brian 'head' Welch from Korn sharing their hearts right now. Happy Saturday folks! You can watch the movie free in for 48 hours
met some incredible people AND another girl from Kenya here for 1st year!!! Woohoo! That makes 2!!! #bssm2theworld
Love this girl!!! @makariasriel #latergram Happy 20th!
 4 Sundays waking up extra early are done, last small group training today! :-) I'm thankful to get to spend the next few months completely submerged in getting as deep as I can get in learning God, wherever life takes me I know this season will have me ready
 Today on the blog: How to Enjoy Life in the In-Between - When you're past the Past but have no idea what the future holds

Seeing worship in the front page of The New York Times definitely made for a cool morning. Totally blessing #Hillsong Brian Houston and Carl Lentz and all God is doing through them #andalltheearthwillshoutyourpraise Today on the blog, "How to Trust in God's Faithfulness" because for the past 2 weeks between classes, both my church's services, podcasts etc it seems God's not changing the message from #process, #timing and #trust

Woke up to this beauty, now because its Friday and there's no school, I'm heading back to bed 😉 #sunrise #redding #norcal #igers #igphotooftheday
 Poetry night hangs at one of my favorite places, this is how we get turnt up in Redding! 😃 #fridaynighthangs
New School Photos are up!Second time getting my picture taken by the super talented @heatherarmstrongphotography #bssm #bssm2 #schoolphotoday

Hung this up in my room tonight because I'm missing one of my best friends @kevgishe 😩

1. God can use anyone regardless of whether you feel "prepared enough" in the moment. All He needs you to do is show up; everything else is His job. 2. God is good 3. God is who He says He is 4. Prophesy is fun 5. Prophesying is easy 6. I have the best Revival Group Family in the world (pic) #bssm2 #retreatweek
Happy Birthday to the most beautiful person I know. She's literally God's representative to me. She's my Jesus with skin on. She's constantly standing in the boat with me when plenty of others have abandoned ship. She takes care of me. She's kicked my butt when I've needed it and still ends up cleaning up my messes. She's both my mother and father. She is so smart and enterprising. She is Proverbs 31. The other side of my coin, my siamese twin in the spirit because my victories are her victories, my prayers are her prayers, my blessings are her blessings. I can't believe how much I love you mom. 😍😍😍😘😘😘
Excited to head out of town for #bssmretreat tomorrow and for the next couple of days. Excited, mildly nervous; full of anticipation for what God's gonna do.

Back in Redding!!! Craving a recovery shake after all the camp food we ate the past 2 days #loveRedding #goodtobehome #vscocam

The sky looked really cool tonight

#ootd in honor of these jeans I got my 1st time shopping at #Forever21 on our Chico trip. Customer service wasn't the best experience, but these jeans ARE especially for only $7.80 (ksh.700) #mostcomfortablejeansEVER 😍 #readyforfall

my mom bought me this denim jacket when I was probably 12 or younger. I'm 24 now so this jacket is nearly half my age and still holding on 😤 I'm sure there's a prophetic statement in there somehow
joannefuraha Shout out to my Bestie @meshiwani for the top and the bracelet that she MADE! Further proof that without her I would be walking around in fig leaves. #Wedges from #ClothingRevival, #leggings from #Forever21 #ootd #churchoutfit

excited to see what this journey holds #inovermyhead #asusual #bestplacetobe #youthpastor #leadership

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