Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Can't We All Just Live Together...

I am surrounded by some very opinionated people. I'm pretty opinionated myself, I'm just not very confrontational so if we go on and on in a debate and you refuse to accept I'm right, then I'll probably just nod and say, "OK", while thinking, "you are so wrong, I feel so sorry for you" :-p

Anyway, I'm constantly inundated by people's opinions particularly on being a single "Christian" woman. Ick!, I hate that term. It sounds so death-by-plague-ish. This is the point of my post.

I'm sick of people villifying other people for their choices on how they choose to handle the seasons in their lives.

You see posts like, "why do you think the grass is greener on the other side, just find happiness in being single" or "you'll never be content when you're married if you're not content by yourself" I don't know how to describe these statements, I'm sure you know what I mean though.

There's definitely truth to them. I'm just like, on the other side of the coin, quit shaming people for their feelings! I, for example, am perfectly content in who I am and what I'm doing in my life. I can be content and still be hungry for more. Every time though, that someone tells me something like, "Did you go to Bible school for Jesus or for a husband?" mostly other single people, by the way, they imply that I have a reason to be ashamed of my feelings. My truth is that there was room in my heart for both Jesus and dating and that is no more right or wrong than your uni-directional heart. I've got some pretty awesome things going on in my life, I kinda have a desire to share them, there's nothing wrong with that? Don't put me in a place where I have to hide or be ashamed or be fearful about the condition of my heart when I know and God knows that I have no reason to fear or be ashamed.

So, yes Christian world, I am ready to mingle and grab coffees and dinners and it's NOT A BIG DEAL and it's nothing to be ashamed or fearful of!!! Oy Vey!!! You'll either sink or swim, but you'll never know by sitting in the middle of the boat with your eyes squeezed shut.

"So, yes Christian world, I am ready to mingle and grab coffees and dinners and it's NOT A BIG DEAL and it's nothing to be ashamed or fearful of!!! Oy Vey!!!"
So I know it's kind of ironic writing that people should stop writing to disparage others while it may sound like I'm disparaging those people myself, so I'll end my rant here. My point is just to ask, can't we all live together? Handle your seasons the way the Holy Spirit and your community is leading you to handle it, and let me handle mine the same way. There's room for all of us.

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