Sunday, September 29, 2013

First Month In Redding...September 2014

I made it! I'm so excited! This was the 1st place I went and just as we got there, William Matthews was walking out of the building!

This guy reminds me of Aslan from Narnia. He sits on a hill right next to the prayer house at Church. I have a feeling we'll be really close.

Oh My Goodness, I can't believe I get to see this for the next 9 months. This is the most beautiful sunset I've ever seen!

First Dinner, organic spinach and cheese ravioli and sauce.

They have the Kenyan flag on the Avenue of Nations and right across from the Prayer House which I thought was really cool to see :-) feeling very good

Walked to the Sundial Bridge...#redding beautiful

I'd do missed fries, but I'd go back for the burger, really, really good. Midnight Dinner.

 Got my badge and binder, tomorrow it begins #wildcrazyadventure #revivalistinthemaking #HolySpiritDisneyLand #BSSM

 Made Pepperoni Pizza...

Oh boy it'll be one hot week, never seen temps like this not even in Mombasa #weather #summer

The countdown begins @awakening222 got its almost front row seats AHHHHHH!!!!!! #BSSM #SOExcited

Please allow me one biggest fan moment then I'll be back to normal OH MY GOSH KRIS VALLOTTON IN PERSON!!!

I love my home but this is why I love America so much too #frozenfood #cheesygoodnessintwominutes

Made my bed properly for the 1st time this week #noschooltoday #slepttillnine #kenya254 #najivunia #diasporalife #hashtagsfordayyyz

Salad for lunch whole doing homework, further evidence that a little bit of cheese can make anything taste good. Ion I love that homework now is being surrounded by good books and Bibles

Sunset walk to the Sundial Bridge #neededtotalkwithJesus


School went wild for 5 minutes straight up celebrating, crying out to and worshiping God. So many ppl got healed! Hunter Thompson, Gabriel Wilson and Amy Renee Millet led worship. It ROCKED!

Doing bible homework apparently I'm obsessed with the kardashians! Lol #BSSM

Yessssss! Out with the housemates

Short visit to Caterpillar Rd. previous home of Jesus Culture & now home to Bethel Media #ootd #seriousfacehidingexcitement

Oh, welcome back to me my Iove, if you're in my revival group you should get this :-) #lovemesomefruitandnut #BensRG2014

Trying out the natural thang #nomakeup #nohairproduct

Road trip fun; headed to JH Ranch for #BSSM Retreat READY TO GET WRECKED!!! 

Oh my gosh! Mt Shasta

Chasing you the backseat rendition with @unic4him #bssm #roadtrip

Ok I'm a 5th grader this is still cracking me up, we passed through a town called WEED. Here we are next to a Weed Fire Dept Truck, you weed without fire #badjoke #canthelpit

#jhranch #retreat

Cc: @michelleeshiwani new hair find Pantene Co-wash cleanse, awesome detangling, didn't break any hair combing it out #blackpeopleproblems #blackhair this is what it looked like after air drying

I just feel prettier with pretty nails :-) #girlybusiness #manicure

I love this picture #knighted #royalty #DoYouSeeWhatISee #powerfulwomen #menofvalour :-)

#jhranch #bssmretreat2013

Last from home #ksl #tropical

New house, new room, new bed #cantwaittosleep #SOthankful #GodBlessTheMorlans #andMakari :-) :-)

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

BSSM 1st Year Retreat: JH Ranch Part 1

We went out to JH Ranch for our 1st Year Retreat this past weekend. I've been looking forward to this trip since I got my acceptance letter to BSSM and it was worth the excitement. JH Ranch is a camp about 2 hours outside of Redding. We left at round 11 and got there at 1:30PM. I was in a carpool with some amazing girls and our car was coupled up with another car of some amazing guys - long story short everybody in my Revival Group is amazing.

 I absolutely LOVED going down the I-5. Jeez! The views?! Come On! At some point I was just shouting "oh my gosh is that real?" every 5 seconds. I was in a car with 2 Americans and 1 Ukrainian and they live with this sort of stuff, but this was new to me :-) I guess it's the same reaction they would have when they come to Kenya and see our landscape, (Dinner with giraffes at Ole Sereni anyone? :-) )

 We passed through a town called "Weed" fr some lunch. Haha WEED! I'm sorry, I'm still a 5th grader at heart. No Weed without fire right, so we had to take pictures with the fire trucks

Finally got to JH and we settled in to our bunks and went to grab dinner in this lodge :-) Elizabeth and I were saying how much we love the food and it was a great break from Ramen noodles and sandwiches, oh, the life of a broke college student!

 We had services at this tent called Big Top. Services, the 1st Year Worship Team led and the 1st night Leslie Crandall led. She spoke about rejection and broke that spirit off of us. You know how it's easy to stay guarded and in fear over exposing your heart in this new place to new people, it limits us so bad. We just broke those chains and made sure every heart in that room felt accepted and knew for sure they belong here!

We had another Fire Tunnel after the service and I come from a very conservative background. I see people getting drunk in the Spirit or manifseting and I'm like, "okey dokey, ok then, umm...what do I do now" Stuff like that just isn't a normal experience for me. It's probably happened 1 or 2 times in my life, but a huge part of me really wants it to happen. Anyway, I went through the Fire Tunnel and the Holy Spirit fell on the person in front of me and they were laid out on the floor, the person behind me, same thing, here I was thinking, "OK Jesus, it's cool, you skipped me...again...but I'm good! Moving on swiftly..."

My Revival Group Pastor told us afterwards that my mindset was wrong. God comes to everybody differently, we are all unique individuals and we just have to recognize Him and seek after Him not the manifestation of Him. Point taken. More on this tomorrow :-)

 Managed to get a couple of fun shots in the middle of our busy schedule :-) Did I mention how cold it was?! I have no idea what Winter's going to be like...

 We also got prophetic words given to us by the 2nd years. I went twice and both times 4 different people gave me words along the same theme. It was really cool. These are the 2nd years doing a Fire Tunnel into the dining room. A Fire Tunnel is basically 2 rows and you walk in the middle and these 2 lines lay hands on you and you basically get rocked in the Holy Spirit going down the middle. It's hard to explain but it's REALLY fun!

More on Day 2 Tomorrow :-)
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