Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Bucket List Item #1 Dinner at Ali Barbours

I think a lot of times we take for granted all the absolutely wonderful treasures God has given us to enjoy. I just pray I remain the girl whose moved to tears by a beautiful sunset/sunrise, have you looked at the sky lately we've been having some great ones, my phone is full of pictures, I did a post once, check it out.

Anyway, I thought it would be cool to start a bucket list here, since this blog does document my life...it might just happen that one day I get the chance to do some of these things.

This 1st one was actually on CNN Travels top 10 things to do in Kenya...are you ready for this?

This is Ali Barbours Cave Restaurant in Diani/South Beach [30km South of Mombasa]

I mean come on, how ridiculously perfect does this look?! I mean, there's "Honey, let me take you out to a romantic dinner." and then there's "Honey, I'm taking you to Ali Barbours".

In their words: "Dine beneath a star-filled night sky with a sense of style, flair, extraordinary levels of service and comfort and genuine hospitality"

"Built underground in natural caves inside what was - a very long time ago a coral reef, with an opening above through which one can see the stars.."

According to the reviews, the food is amazing and the menus even have kindle lights so as to not 'affect the ambiance' plus free transport to and from your hotel!

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