Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Where It All Began


I recently got an offer to do a little writing for a Real Estate Magazine here in Nairobi, and one of my bosses asked me  if I always knew I could write and if this is something I planned etc. Well, not really. In High School, I was that girl who used to stack up like 5 compositions during the weekend and hand them over to my English teacher to grade. I used to journal a lot...A LOT! After High School, I shifted gears to writing poetry and later on music.

So I've always loved to write, but I never 'planned' to go anywhere with it. I don't think I'm that good at it, (grammatical and spelling eras errors galore! lol) However what little I can do, I owe it all to my dad who was a real writer and was very good at it. 

My dad was a journalist and I remember always being so excited to go home and say, "I was the highest in Composition!"

So, yeah. Everything I do, I owe it all to my family. Where I begin is where they begun, and on that note, here's an essay my dad wrote all the way back in High School which won best essay in some competition. He won a hardcover Biology textbook! Ha! Anyway, I love his story. The imagery is great. Hope you enjoy it.



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