Friday, July 26, 2013


One thing that will never ever change is that barren land will always produce barren fruit. It's easy to see people who "have it all together" and react with jealousy or indignation or bitterness and think, "why them and not me." Truth is, for them to get to where they are, a lot was done in the secret room while we weren't watching.

For Jenn Johnson or Steffany Gretzinger or Kim Walker-Smith to sing the way they do, they spend crazy amonts of time getting to love and know God. It's a challenge to me, and to you looking at whoever you look up to and should make us think, what can I do in the secret room? What work am I putting in when no one's watching?

"It is spiritually impossible
to have a heart in one condition
but produce fruit of an opposite condition.
The condition of your heart
will affect your actions,
and your actions
will reflect your heart.

But God has changed your heart!  And He is doing even more!"
(Henry Blackaby - The Man God Uses)

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