Sunday, October 14, 2012

Dealing With Heartbreak

We all go through it at some point, except the lucky few who married the boy they met in 10th grade!!!!!!!! {Really?! 10th Grade?!!!}

Heart got broken. It sucked. I cried. I lived.

I know it's cliche, but:

I took this picture on my phone yesterday on my way to church, storm was rolling in. Grey clouds, but the light was still shining through. 

You never know what your struggles now will give way to in the future. I have to remind myself that the second I got saved, God sanctified all my afflictions, messy message, testy testimony et al. The absolute best thing is that now, I'm living in the fruit if that/those many moments, never been happier or known more love than now.

"Keep your head up, don't let up, the storm's gonna pass you'll be ready for the next one." Toby Mac


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