Monday, February 6, 2012

What I'm Thankful For

Totally stole this idea from Leslie (A Blonde Ambition), but I do have a lot to be thankful for. Lets start...

Source: via Jinie on Pinterest

I'm thankful for my mom. Get to spend lots of time with her, and she's teaching me a lot, about how to be responsible, what matters most, and tips on marriage and the future he he he. Also thankful that she pays for my 2 courses at my 2 schools, and I get to learn and grow with no pressure of how to afford it all.

I'm thankful for my Church, it helps me grow, I found a family there and a sense of belonging.

I'm thankful for school. I love both my schools.

I'm thankful for my family. I love my nephew to bits!

I'm thankful for hope renewed, opportunities restored and just faith that things will work out.

I'm thankful for my blog.

I'm thankful for my 2 readers from Ukraine.

I'm thankful for Jesus and my faith.

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