Friday, April 18, 2014

Italy Mission Trip Day 4

"Heather, wake up."
"Wake up, it's 10"
"Yeah, wake up."

Basically, that's what our morning looked like. The best thing about Italy was the shades on the windows. The room was pitch black, I could have slept all day and not even know it. So with tears in my eyes, I got out of bed and got ready. Our house mom was freaking out because she was told she had to get us there by 12. I was like, there's no way anyone is going to be ready that early, but still, we hurried up and got to Church by 12 and of course, no one on my team was there...but the leadership team was and that welcome we got was was the spread laid out for us.

We just relaxed and had quiet time the rest of the afternoon and got to speak to someone coming to BSSM this year so we gave her all the inside scoop :-) Finally, we had service and the senior pastor took us into his office and prayed over us and we had some worship time there as well. It rocked!

His wife was the worship leader & daughter was the cool is that?! #kingdomfamilies

The service was amazing, we got to minister to a lot of people. The atmosphere in Church was really happy and open. We saw backs healed and pain leave and hearts ministered to. We got to break the preconceptions a lot of people had about God and love and spoke to peoples hearts.

 Next we went back to our host homes and got to have dinner with them and really bond and connect.

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