Wednesday, October 29, 2014

October 2014 Insta-Recap

Studying, reading testimonies, working, creating, doing perhaps the best job anyone on the planet would ever be privileged to do, been sitting down for 3 hours #soretodaystrongtomorrow 😉 #sohappy #SOthankful #DreamCulture #HeavenInBusiness

today is a GREAT day for a bunch of reasons, one of which is hosting dinner later with some awesome Bethel people from East Africa. Thought it'd be appropriate to start the day with a Kenyan breakfast, uji with lemon (amaranth flour porridge with lemon) #theoriginalglutenfree #swahilinight #community

1st day of my internship training at Bethel Music!!!

Making tea for Bella & Rabson. how can I be a #Kenyan hostess and not end with a cup of #ketepa tea 😊 tonight was so great, we could have talked all night. God is so good in the way He knows each of us uniquely and moves through our lives. I get to be friends with some incredible (and I don't use that word lightly) people!

 10/5/2014 still reeling from all the love I was soaked in by my Revival Group family in Homegroup tonight. Its still strange for me to speak out & be the center of attention, but this family makes it so comfortable and so worth it. Thanks for letting me, God immensely bless you guys. #Presence #redemption #dreams #transparency

my super amazing, powerful, empowering, winning, championing, Spirit filled team today #teamwork #family #revivalgroup #davewardsrg
yeah, just taking selfies 60ft up in the air, no big deal 😨😅 #ropescourse
went first on a couple of these freakin the heck out, shout out to the champ @georgiaalexandria without whose strengths my day would have been completely different, appreciate you girl #ropescourse

Watching #BethelMusic soundcheck for the #OpenHeavens conference #volunteerlife #sweetlife #greatnight #livemusic #worship
Last week I was processing through life & I was just tired & really felt God say "stay home" & to cancel my plans. I was on Instagram & saw this singer @moriahpeters and it led me to her songs and testimonies and I sat there for hours reading, watching and listening and felt God reawaken things in my life and give me hope & a new lease on life(!) then I started writing songs for hours which I haven't done in a long time. I saw she was coming to Redding in a couple of days on tour with Rend Collective & I really wanted to go but money's tight & I have home group same time so I chose not to go trusting God would never make me miss out on anything and I would get to experience #teamBRAVE live someday, but still felt really bummed. Cut to today, my housemate Lindsey, not knowing this whole back story bought this CD at the concert and she felt God tell her to give it to me!!!! #Heknowsmyname #Heknowsmyeverythought

I wish I could explain what this sign means to my heart...I really wish I could, sometimes, like tonight I see it and it just hits me and even I wonder #dreams #hopes #promises #more #Yes

Fall weather = boot weather! If you're Kenyan, you know this sweater 😉 stole it from my mom's old closet, happy I can wear it in Redding and feel cool #ootd

I hereby christen Tuesday night as Creator Academy nights/YouTube University nights/Learning the learn out of Youtube nights/Geeking out over things normal people don't geek out over nights #youtube #socialmediamarketing #marketing #excellence #noideawhatIamreadingbutprayingsomeofitsticks 😉👍

yesterday our Revival Group decided to dress up in crazy outfits. I'm not a hugely self conscious person about my looks, I'm not the girl who says don't post that group picture I don't look good enough in it, I wear my "fivehead" like a pro most days because these things & those moments make me ME and I feel pretty dang good about myself, (being the only brown skin girl in the room most times releases a lot of freedom too, I highly recommend it! 😄) but it was good to see how crazy freedom would look like to a caged bird. It was a great experiment. I love these guys! #borntobefree #teamBRAVE #bssm2

Consider this an honest selfie 😞 Hit some rough seas, if you could pray for me & my family, I would be grateful #exhausted
So I've heard of twinning, would this be called tripletting? #fall #rain #oversizesweaters #boots #notherewasnoworkmemoinvolved #bethelmusic

pulled pork sliders, brownies, ice cream and my 1st full baseball game where I actually knew what was going on thanks to my #housechurch. I think I'm an honorary American now lol 👍😃⚾ #letsprayfortheGiants #theStirring #community

Haven't had my computer for the past few days, the only downside is not being able to work this week 👎 but the incredible upside is with no TV distraction, I've gone to the movies & hung out with a 💝 friend, went to my 1st braai with my South African friends and had great conversations, around the grill, just left an incredible Halloween party and heart talk with a new close friend. Feeling so happy, I might just stick to this no laptop thing. #introvertmyfoot #donthidebehindlabels #tvfast

Speaking of #halloween I went as Olivia Pope from Scandal. I think I came close, except that Olivia never smiles and I can't stop smiling 😃🍷

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