Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Miracles

I could sit here and write about how the past 2 days I've experienced more love & learned more & experienced more than I could have asked God for, but, I wanna take a minute to thank God for Christ. He is the reason for the season. He is the gift that keeps on giving in the best possible way.

Case in point, I just read this testimony:

"Obedience to Holy Spirit is everything. I was tired from a long day and ready for some food, and I drove past what looked like the worst, most run down, old house covered in cobwebs and skulls for Halloween, and God said, "Stop there. I want to heal a person in that house." In faith alone, I drove back past the house, and walked up to the door. Two huge dogs went nuts at me, and I yelled, "Is anyone home?" An older lady walked to the front, and said, "Who are you?" I told her why I came to the door, and in shock, she said, "Yes, please pray. I have two destroyed hips and bursitis. Also, I'm in terrible pain all the time and am on heavy painkillers." I prayed for 30 seconds and commanded infirmity to flee her body. Well to my shock, all the pain, I mean ALLLLLL the agonizing pain was completely gone. She was able to move her hips like Elvis and was praising God loudly at the front of her place. Once again, I am deeply humbled by the effects of simply saying yes to Jesus." — Ben Fitzgerald*

So today for me is a celebration of His love & goodness, it's a day of peace & relaxation because He came, because my life is on His hands, because He's the one with the Master Plan.

*for more awesome Bethel testimonies, scroll on over to the very bottom of this page :-)
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