Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Just Call Me Master

Last time I was on here, I talked about bringing God into your health journey, and I was so true on that. Weeks later that post is still rocking me and I've been looking for practical ways of doing that and one thing I've been doing is using this Bible Study/Course I found on Setting Captives Free called The Lords Table.

I cannot tell you what this course has done for me! I'm on day 8 and these first few days are a bit tough, breaking old routines but it has been incredible just finding out new things about God and growing closer to Him.

Basically what happens is, there's some notes, scriptures and testimonies to read and it's interactive so you also have to answer some questions, and there's also a food plan, not meals or recipes, you still control that, but the point is to show you that your body wasn't designed and doesn't need to be fueled by constant snacking, God created us with an internal pager to tell us when we're hungry, when we're full etc. It teaches you the spiritual significance of hunger and that we don't have to constantly jump from diet to diet, food is not the enemy, our attitude is.

Why do we know in our hearts that, if I ate half this packet of fries, I'd be full, yet we still eat the whole packet, plus a sausage, plus a half liter soda? Is it because we really are hungry or are we trying to use food to cover up our stress, emotional issues, boredom, loneliness etc? Are we looking to food to be our comfort and satisfaction instead of God, are we putting food before God?

Anyway, there's a lot more I can add, but check it out for yourself and see if it's for you.

They also encourage you to add exercise at least 30 minutes a day into your schedule and you may also be assigned an accountability partner/mentor who you can talk to, ask questions, vent to etc. I hit the jackpot of mentors and mine usually throws in some prayers and encouragement on email. God is good!

Anyway the hugest lesson I've learned is this:

This was my after dinner dessert a while ago, pink lady apples and peanut butter. I'll post the recipe soon.

All The Love and Encouragement in the World,

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