Saturday, May 11, 2013

23rd Birthday Post 2

I know 2 posts in one day, but it's my birthday so deal with it! Anyway, it was a good day. Spent it with my sister, brother-in-law, nephew - Jeremy and niece - Imani. I am currently in a food coma after stuffing my face with pizza, fries and nyam chom (BBQ ribs). Tomorrow we're going back to my mom's and the rest of the fam is coming over, so it's going to be very nice. I'm looking forward to cake! Well, it was a great day. Love my family!

This song has been playing in my head all day and after sitting down and paying attention, I was left thinking,  "Oh, well, duh. this is what I prayed for last night."

The song is called Give Me Faith by Elevation Worship.

It goes like this:

I need you to soften my heart
to break me apart
I need you to open my eyes
to see that you're shaping my life

All I am
I surrender

Give me faith to trust what you say
that you're good and your love is great
I'm broken inside, I give you my life

I need you to soften my heart
to break me apart
I need you to pierce through the dark
and cleanse every part of me

I may be weak
but Your spirit's strong in me
My flesh may fail
My God you never will 

I love this song, especially the bridge, "I may be weak, but your Spirit's strong in me. My flesh my fail, but my God you never will." Wow, I pray I remember these words forever. I pray in my weakness I remember God's strength, when I feel like a failure I remember God will never fail.



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