Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!

Last years’ theme for my blog was Awake and Alive. That’s actually a Skillet song that I thought would be catchy and cute, it turned out to be exactly what the year turned into. 

January: Enjoyed all the benefits of being single and not searching for the first time in a long time. Transferred to City Campus.

February: Discovered the Jesus Culture Band and a new love for worship.

March: Experienced God’s love in a tangible way for the 1sttime

April: Heard about Worship auditions

May: Turned 22 and realized my life needs to take a different direction.

June: Auditioned and joined worship team

July: Passed my CPA exams

August: Finished probation and became an official member of WT. Made a couple of mistakes that were quickly rectified.

September: Decided to dream big and reawaken myself to the possibilities I believed in in High School

October: Discovered Mark Driscoll and learnt a lot

November: On stage for the 1st time

December: No matter how much I run and hide, He tracks me down.  Also, started sending in my applications. Also finally closed a door that I’ve left open far too long.

These are the general themes that ran through each month, but what I can’t put into words is the small moments that marked every single day this year. I can honestly say, this has been the best year of my life. The friends I’ve made, the places I’ve gone, the experiences I’ve had, the mistakes I’ve made, the conversations I’ve had, the love I’ve felt and the ability to enjoy and appreciate every moment. 

My favorite song of the year has to be Bethel Worship’s “This is What You Do”. The chorus goes like. “This is what you do, you make me come alive” and this is definitely how I’ve felt this year.

A new year brings new things and a new theme that I hope at the end of the year will accurately describe how the year has gone.

I’ll explain the meaning tomorrow.

For now, have a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!


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